UCLA Nursing Celebrates its 2023 Graduating Class

More than 200 nursing graduates walked across the commencement stage at UCLA’s Royce Hall on Saturday, June 17, the culmination of years of hard work and resolve.
“You made it because of your determination, dedication, and resilience,” said Dr. Lin Zhan, Dean & Professor in the UCLA School of Nursing. “You made it because many people have supported you, mentored you, educated you, and sometimes simply were just there for you on your academic journey.”
The 2023 graduating class is made up of 115 pre-licensure students, representing UCLA Nursing’s B.S. and MECN programs. These students will soon be new nurses, joining the more than 4 million registered nurses across the country. UCLA also graduated more than 100 advanced nursing professionals, including master’s and doctorally prepared nurses who work in a variety of clinical, leadership, and educational settings.
Graduates, along with the more than 1,300 family members and guests in attendance, heard from student speakers representing each of UCLA Nursing’s 5 degree programs. They were also treated to speeches from Dean Lin Zhan, UCLA’s Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Monroe Gorden, Jr., and Dr. Kenneth White, President of the American Academy of Nursing, who served as the keynote speaker.
“Nursing needs you because the world needs nursing,” said Dr. White, who also took time to celebrate Pride Month and the Juneteenth holiday during his speech. “You have had the enormous privilege of a world-class nursing education at one of the finest nursing schools in the world. With that privilege and opportunity comes responsibility to continue learning as students of nursing, students of humanity, and students of the universe…. Lift your voice, lift your hands, and celebrate the Class of 2023 at the UCLA School of Nursing.”
Before exiting Royce Hall, students were asked to recite the International Pledge for Nurses and participate in a UCLA tradition, the 8-clap.
Congratulations to the Class of 2023!
A digital version of the 2023 Commencement program is available hereEvent Photos