UCLA School of Nursing Master's Programs Jump to #16 in 2022 U.S. News Rankings

The UCLA School of Nursing master of science in nursing (MSN) degree programs jumped four spots this year, ranking No. 16 in U.S. News & World Report’s list of Best Graduate Schools for 2022. Nationally, the school is currently ranked No. 7 among public schools of nursing, and No. 2 in the state of California.
U.S. News & World Report included two MSN degree programs at the UCLA School of Nursing — the Master's Entry Clinical Nurse (MECN) degree, designed to prepare students who possess a baccalaureate degree in another discipline for a nursing career, and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) program, which prepares nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists for national certification in specialty areas such as pediatrics and adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioners. Both the MECN and APRN are two-year programs.
"Nurses play a vital role in the health of communities and countries," said Linda Sarna, dean of the UCLA School of Nursing. "We're pleased to be acknowledged as a leader in graduate nursing education. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our brilliant students, faculty, and staff. It's especially poignant given the year we've all endured.”
UCLA’s Family Nurse Practitioner program also ranks No. 15, tied with Yale University and Oregon Health and Science University.
UCLA's rank was calculated based on factors such as acceptance rate (33.4%), student/faculty ratio (6:1), and grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and other grant funders ($5,963,000).
U.S. News rankings are compiled based on surveys with deans and other top academics at 220 master's nursing programs across the country.
For more information on UCLA’s top ranked nursing programs, view our programs.