UCLA Nursing Dean Lin Zhan re-elected to AACN Board of Directors

Dr. Lin Zhan, Dean & Professor of the UCLA School of Nursing has been re-elected to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Board of Directors. This is Dean Zhan’s fourth term on the Board.
As the voice for academic nursing, AACN represents more than 850 member schools of nursing at public and private institutions nationwide. It is the national voice for baccalaureate and graduate nursing education and works to establish quality standards for nursing education; assists schools in implementing those standards; influences the nursing profession to improve health care; and promotes public support for professional nursing education, research, and practice.
With nearly 30 years in academic nursing, including more than 15 years in the dean’s role, Dr. Zhan is an award-winning nurse educator who has taught students from the BSN to the PhD level. With over 100 publications including six edited books, her scholarly work extends to serving as a reviewer for the refereed journals Nursing Education, Nursing Research, Advanced Nursing Sciences, and on the editorial boards for the Journal of Gerontological Nursing and the Journal of Aging and Geriatric Medicine. A recipient of many top honors, Dr. Zhan is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and a Wharton Executive Fellow. For AACN, she has served as Treasurer for two terms and Board Member at-large; chair of the Finance Committee; on the Program Committee as the chair of the Faculty Development Conference and the Executive Development Series; member of the Nominating Committee; and as a reviewer for the AACN-Johnson & Johnson Minority Faculty Scholarship.
Read the complete AACN Press Release on this year’s board elections.