DNP students present Scholarly Project posters at Western Institute of Nursing conference

Three graduating DNP students, Sarah Delgado, Maki Jerden, and Bernice Tan, travelled to Tucson, AZ in April 2023 to present their DNP Scholarly Project posters at the Western Institute of Nursing (WIN Conference). All three students received the Gorman Family Centennial Fellowship in Nursing to help fund their trip. Faculty and peers are proud that Sarah, Maki, and Bernice were selected by WIN to present their exemplary work.

Sarah Delgado, DNPc, MSN, RN, ACNP
Class of 2023
Project Title: A Delphi Policy Analysis: Unit-Level Minimum Nurse-to-Patient Ratios in Acute Care Medical-Surgical Units in the United States
"I had the opportunity to present my poster at the Western Institute of Nursing. I received positive and constructive feedback on my project which I found helpful. There was significant interest in the application of the Delphi Process to this topic. In addition, I had the chance to clarify the difference between policies that establish unit-level ratios versus those that establish patient level ratios. Some of the poster viewers validated the importance of the topic. One viewer asked about panel member recruitment which gave me some ideas about how to present the project’s limitation. That same viewer suggested further steps, such as additional analysis of the unintended consequences using other data sets. Overall, I am grateful that I had this experience!"

Maki Jerden, DNPc, MSN, RN, GNP-BC, CWON, RNFA
Class of 2023
Project Title: Preoperative Ostomy Care: Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Pilot Project
"This poster presentation was based on a quality improvement (QI) pilot project. We reported on the impact of preoperative ostomy care interventions, such as ostomy care education, hands-on ostomy care training, and stoma site marking on patients undergoing scheduled fecal ostomy creation surgery concerning Length of stay (LOS), 30-day post-discharge emergency department (ED) visitation, and readmission associated with ostomy issues. Our report is significant because this approach is prevention focus and reducing any LOS or 30-day post-discharge ED visitation and readmission will reduce the healthcare cost. The conference environment was full of knowledge and stimulation. The lecture by Dr. Mary Nies regarding nursing science, research, and mentorship she received throughout her nursing career was inspiring."
Born and raised by a single mother in rural Hokkaido, Japan, Maki is the first and only person in her family to graduate from graduate school or college.

Bernice Tan, DNPc, MSN, MBA, NP
Class of 2023
Project Title: Compression Therapy in Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Nurse Practitioner-Led Compression Therapy Education Pilot Program
"As a nurse practitioner specializing in vascular surgery and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student, attending the Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) conference to disseminate my work was a valuable experience. I was able to present my poster on the impact of patient education on quality of life in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. This conference provided an opportunity to share my work with nursing scholars, scientists, and fellow students, which allowed me to receive valuable feedback on my work. I had the opportunity to attend presentations and engage in discussions with other healthcare professionals, which broadened my understanding of the field and provided me with new insights to apply in my clinical practice. This networking opportunity allowed me to establish meaningful connections with others in my field and potentially collaborate on future research or clinical projects. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to attending more conferences in the future."