Applications for Fall 2025 will become available after September 16,2024 at and will have a November 1st, 2024 deadline.

Application Procedure

Items that you must submit as part of your online application:

Statement of Purpose

Please respond to the following. Your statement can be up to 1,500 words in length. You do not need to answer every question; focus on the elements that you feel are most relevant to your candidacy. When writing your Statement of Purpose, please refer to the MECN Evaluation Criteria — Tips and Information Sheet.

  • What is your purpose in applying for graduate study in your specified degree program? Describe your area(s) of interest, including any subfield(s) or interdisciplinary interests.
  • What experiences have prepared you for advanced study or research in this degree program? What relevant skills have you gained from these experiences? Have your experiences led to specific or tangible outcomes that would support your potential to contribute to this field (examples: performances, publications, presentations, awards or recognitions)?
  • What additional information about your past experience may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at UCLA?
  • Why is the UCLA graduate program to which you are applying is the best place for you to pursue your academic goals? If you are applying for a research master’s or doctoral program, we encourage you to indicate specific research interests and potential faculty mentors.
  • What are your plans for your career after earning this degree?

Personal Statement

Please respond to one or more of the following prompts. Your statement can be up to 500 words in length (approximately one page, single-spaced, using one-inch margins and 12-point font). To be considered for a Cota-Robles or Graduate Opportunity fellowship, be sure to describe your contributions to diversity. The University of California Diversity Statement can be found online.

  • Are there educational, personal, cultural, economic, or social experiences, not described in your Statement of Purpose, that have shaped your academic journey? If so, how? Have any of these experiences provided unique perspective(s) that you would contribute to your program, field, or profession?
  • Describe challenge(s) or barriers that you have faced in your pursuit of higher education. What motivated you to persist, and how did you overcome them? What is the evidence of your persistence, progress, or success?
  • How have your life experiences and educational background informed your understanding of the barriers facing groups that are underrepresented in higher education?
  • How have you been actively engaged (e.g., through participation, employment, service, teaching, or other activities) in programs or activities focused on increasing participation by groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education?
  • How do you intend to engage in scholarly discourse, research, teaching, creative efforts, and/or community engagement during your graduate program that has the potential to advance diversity and equal opportunity in higher education?
  • How do you see yourself contributing to diversity in your profession after you earn your advanced degree at UCLA?

Resume or CV

Please upload your Resume/CV to the online application.

Recommended Forms

Three are required. You do not need to send your recommenders the form. Once you fill out their contact information in the online application, they will automatically be sent a link to complete the form. Recommenders have a final deadline to submit forms by January 15.

NOTE: Please select "Nursing MECN ONLY" as the recommendation form when entering your recommender's information. 


You are required to upload unofficial transcripts into the application. If admitted, you must send one official transcript from the school where you completed your Bachelor's degree(s). We also require one official transcript from other schools at which you completed prerequisite classes.

You will send official transcripts to the following address: 

Student Affairs Office
2-150 Factor Building
Box 951702
Los Angeles, Ca. 90095-1702

Materials listed on the application that are NOT required for School of Nursing Applicants:

  • Test (GRE) scores
  • Writing Sample
  • Professional Experience
  • Awards and Publications