Jumpei Watanabe Memorial Endowment

Jumpei Watanabe
The late Mr. Watanabe came to the United States with a vision of establishing a business in the industry he loved and in which he had spent his entire life. After 10 years of hard work and with his motto of “enjoy your business,” he successfully established a thriving business.
After Mr. Watanabe passed away, Mrs. Watanabe, thinking about the excellent care that he received from dedicated nurses in Japan, established the Jumpei Watanabe Memorial Foundation as a tribute to his memory. A generous donation from the Jumpei Watanabe Memorial Foundation and Fujiko Watanabe established a scholarship fund called the Jumpei Watanabe Memorial Endowment to assist students primarily in the gerontology specialty.
Additionally, Mrs. Watanabe made a commitment to provide additional funds annually for research into diseases common among the elderly, and related programs.
Mrs. Watanabe hoped that the donation would help in the education and growth of nurses who can provide compassionate and sensitive nursing care