Nancy Lois Ruth Anderson, PhD, RN, FAAN
Professor Emerita
Faculty Research and Clinical Expertise
Research: Perceptions among adolescents in juvenile detention regarding pregnancy, substance use/abuse, risky behaviors and HIV
Current Focus: The needs, strengths, concerns, and assets of various at-risk populations, based on extensive experience conducting ethnographic research
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), a community perspective, and a well-established network of community collaborators
Clinical: Former practice as Nurse Practitioner with adolescent populations
Professional Activities
Present Consultant for Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), participatory research, qualitative methods, in particular ethnography, adolescent health in community and institutional settings, cultural explanatory models, and cultural competence 1999-2009 Former Director of the Participatory Research and Community Partnership Core of Center for Vulnerable Populations Research at the University of California, School of Nursing at Los Angeles 2003 Participant, Working Symposium for the development of "Principles and Recommended Standards for Cultural Competence Education of Health Care Professionals" published by the California Endowment 2001-2004 President, Council on Nursing and Anthropology (CONAA) 2006 Participant, author, presenter with Evelyn Calvillo and Maria Fongwa for California Endowment conference on cultural competence in nursing and health care 1994-2010 Organizer and sponsor for interdisciplinary qualitative research interest group 2000-2008 Advocate member, Regional Community Advisory Committee, Region 5Education
Ellis Hospital/Russell Sage College. Diploma, 1956, Nursing
California State University at Los Angeles, BSN, 1971, Nursing
University of California at Los Angeles, MN, 1975, Nursing
University of California at Los Angeles, PhD, 1987, Anthropology
Honors and Awards
1969 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Human Relations/Community Service Award 1967 American Red Cross, Pasadena Chapter: Award for Professional Leadership Certificate of Appreciation from City of Pasadena Department of Human Services: In Recognition of Volunteer Clinical 1978 Services at the Jackie Robinson Community Health Clinic 1974 American Red Cross, Los Angeles Chapter: Clara Barton Medallion for Volunteer Project with Adolescents 1987 Excellence in Clinical Practice Award, Sigma Theta Tau, Gamma Tau Chapter 1990 Outstanding Volunteer Award, Los Angeles, County Juvenile Court Health Services July 1991 Visiting Professorship, Kitasato University School of Nursing, Sagamihara, Japan 1993 Honorary Member, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Mu Chi Chapter 1996 Fellow, Society for Applied Anthropology 1998 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing 2005 Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Mu Chi Chapter 2007 Professional Achievement Award, Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Mu Chi Chapter 2008 Anna M. Shannon Mentorship Award, Western Institute of NursingPublications
Landier, W., Hughes, C. B., Calvillo, E. R., Anderson, N. L. R., Briseno-Toomey, D., Dominguez, L., Martinez, A. M., Hanby, C., & Bhatia, S. (in Press). Doing our part: A grounded theory of the process of adherence to oral chemotherapy in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing.
Anderson, N. L. R. (2010). Explanatory models of health & illness. In M. Douglas & D. F. Pacquiao (Eds.), Core curriculum for transcultural nursing and health care. Sage Publications. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21: Supplement.
Anderson, N. L. R. (2010). Adolescence: Rites of passage. In M. Douglas & D.F. Pacquiao, (Eds.) Core curriculum for transcultural nursing and health care. Sage Publications. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21: Supplement.
Anderson, N. L. R. (2010). Guidelines for assessment of persons from different cultures. In M. Douglas & D. F. Pacquiao, (Eds.) Core curriculum for transcultural nursing and health care. Sage Publications. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21: Supplement.
Anderson, N.L.R. Interview techniques; Community assessment. (2010). In M. Douglas & D.F. Pacquiao, (Eds.) Core curriculum for transcultural nursing and health care. Sage Publications. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21: Supplement.
Heslin, K. C., Hamilton, A. B., Singzon, T. K., Smith, J. L., & Anderson, N. L. R. (2010). Alternative families in recovery: Fictive kin relationships among residents of sober living homes. Qualitative Health Research.
Anderson, N. L. R. (2010). Associate Editor of M. Douglas & D. F. Pacquiao, (Eds). Core curriculum for transcultural nursing and health care. Sage Publications. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21: Supplement.
Wickham, M., Anderson, N. L. R., & Greenberg, C. (2008). The adolescent perception of invincibility and its influence on teen acceptance of health promotion strategies. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 23 (6), 446-66.
Kulbok, P. A., Rhee, H., Botchwey, N., Hinton, I., Bovbjerg, V., & Anderson, N. L. R. (2008). Factors influencing adolescents' decision not to smoke. Public Health Nursing, 25(6), 505-515.
Dornig, K., Koniak-Griffin, D., Lesser, J., Gonzalez-Figueroa, E., Castaneda Luna, M., Anderson, N. L. R, & Corea-London, B. (2008). You gotta start thinking like a parent: Hopes, dreams, & concerns of ethnic minority adolescent parents. Families in Society.
Kendrick, L., Anderson, N. L. R, & Moore, B. (2007). Perceptions of depression among young African American men. Family and Community Health, 30 (1), 63-73.
Anderson, N. L. R., Calvillo, E. R, & Fongwa, M. N. (2007). Community-based approaches to strengthen cultural competency in nursing education and practice. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 18 (1-S), 49s-59s.
Berg, J., Anderson, N. L. R., Tichacek, M. J., Tomizh, A. C., & Rachelefsky, G. (2007). "One gets so afraid," Latino families and asthma management: An exploratory study Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 21 (6), 361-371.
Fongwa, M. N., Sayre, M. M., & Anderson, N. L. R. Quality Indicator themes among African Americans, Latinos and Whites. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 23 (1).
Evangelista, L., Strömberg, A, Canary, C., Tergal, A., Anderson, N. L. R., & Dracup, K. (2006), Developing a web-based education and counseling program for heart failure patients. Progress of Cardiovascular Nursing Journal, 22, 196-201.
Nyamathi, A., Koniak-Griffin, D., Tallen, L., González-Figueroa, E., Levson, L., Mosley, Y., Dominick, E., & Anderson, N. L. R. (2004) Use of Community-Based Participatory Research in preparing low-income and homeless minority populations for future HIV vaccines. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 18(4), 369-380.
Koniak-Griffin, D., Anderson, N. L. R., Brecht, M-L., Verzemnieks, I., Lesser, J., & Kim, S. (2002). Public Health Nursing care for adolescent mothers: Impact on infant health and selected maternal outcomes at 1 year postbirth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 30, 44-54.
Anderson, N. L. R., Nyamathi, A., McAvoy, J. A., et al. (2001). Perceptions of risk for HIV/AIDS among adolescents in juvenile detention. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 23 (4), 336-359.
Anderson, N. L. R. (2001) (Guest Editor, Special Issue). The anthropology of nurse anthropologists. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 23(8).
Anderson, N. L. R. (1999). Perceptions about substance use among male adolescents in juvenile detention. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 21 (5).
Anderson, N. L. R., Koniak-Griffin, D., Keenan, C., et al. (1999). Evaluating the outcomes of parent-child family life education. Scholarly Inquiry, 13 (3), 211-234.
Flaskerud, J., & Anderson, N. L. R. (1999). Disseminating the results of participant-focused research. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 10 (4).
Anderson, N. L. R. (1996). Decisions about substance abuse among adolescents in juvenile detention. IMAGE, 28 (1), 65-70.
Anderson, N. L. R., Uman, G. C., Keenan, C. K., Koniak-Griffin, D, & Casey, C. (1996). The process of instrument development for ethnically diverse early adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 16 (4), 427-450.
Anderson, N. L. R., & Kagawa-Singer, M. (1995). Policy recommendations for ethnic minority adolescent health issues: A paradigm shift. In M. Kagawa-Singer, P. Katz, & D. Taylor (Eds).
Health issues for minority adolescents. Sponsored by the Society of the Psychological Studies of Social Issues. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
Anderson, N. L. R. (1994). Resolutions and risk-taking in juvenile detention. Clinical Nursing Research, 3 (4), 297-315.