Academic/Administrative Appointment
Lecturer, Adult/Gerontology/Acute: Specialty that prepares Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) as nurse practitioners and/or clinical specialists in acute care.
Program coordinator (2005-2017) Adult/Gerontology /Acute Care
Research and Clinical Expertise
Research: Reproductive issues in women with congenital heart disease including menstrual disorders and pregnancy outcomes. My specific interest is pregnancy outcomes in females with complex congenital heart disease. I have a long-standing registry examining short and long term outcomes in women who have undergone a Fontan operation.
Clinical: Adolescent and adult congenital heart disease (ACHD); I am program coordinator for the UCLA Transitional Care Program for Adolescents and young Adults at the Mattel Children’s Heart Center; Have been associated with the Ahmanson ACHD Center since its inception providing pregnancy and contraceptive counseling. Currently coordinate pregnancy management of women with complex CHD
University of California, Los Angeles, School of Nursing 1979, Masters in Nursing, School of Public Health, 1988 Master’s Public Health California State University, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Honors and Awards
Recipient of the 1985 Sigma Theta Tau Award, Gamma Tau Chapter for Excellence in Clinical Practice.
Recipient of the 1990 American Journal of Nursing's "Book of the Year" Award in Medical Surgical Nursing for "Cardiovascular Disorders".
Fellow, American Heart Association, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, 1996
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 1994
Recipient Nurse Leadership award, Los Angeles Chapter, National Association of Hispanic Nurses
Governor's Appointment, California Health Professions Education Foundation, Board of Trustee. 1998-2001
Commendation, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to the American Heart Association/Western State Affiliates for the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) program. Co-chairs: Dr. David Canom and Mary Canobbio. ,2003
Recipient of the Council of Cardiovascular Nursing’s 2012 Award for Clinical Excellence in Nursing.
In the News
Women with congenital heart disease can take heart in new recommendations for pregnancy
Community Service
1989-2006 YWCA of Los Angeles. Board of Directors: member
1997-present Vision of Hope for Inner City Education: Regional Advisory Board Member;
2001-present Sacred Heart High School: Member of Consultative Board Los Angeles, CA
Publications: (Selected from over 100)
Tucker, S.M., Canobbio, M.M.,(2000) Patient Care Standards: Collaborative Practice Guides.7th Edition, St Louis Mo., Mosby.
Canobbio, M.M.( 2000) Mosby's Manual on Patient Teaching. St. Louis Mo., 2nd Edition, Mosby.
Canobbio, M.M., (1990) Cardiovascular Disorders. St. Louis Mo. The C.V.Mosby Co.
Book Chapters
Moons P, Canobbio MM, Nichols M., Verstappen A. Adult congenital heart disease. In Moser D, Reigel (ed) 2008, Cardiac Nursing: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. St. Louis, Elsevier.
Canobbio MM, Chugh R., “Congenital Heart Disease and Pregnancy “ In Wzszynski DF, Correa-Villasenor, Graham TP. (2011) Congenital Heart Defects: From Origin to Treatment. Oxford Press.
Canobbio MM, Chugh R. “ Transitional Care for Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease” ;Canobbio MM, Chugh R. Reproductive issues in Women with Congenital Heart Disease” In Vijayalakshmi IB,Syamasundar Rao P and Chugh R A (2013) Comprehensive Approach to Congenital Heart Diseases: A Lifelong Odyssey. Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub.
Ross,E.,Danovitch,G.,Perloff,J.,Child,J.,Canobbio,M.M. (1986) "Renal function and urate metabolism in late survivors with cyanotic congenital heart disease." Circulation. 73(3) 396-400.
Sietsema,K.,Cooper,D.,Rosove,M.,Perloff,J.,Child,J., Canobbio,M., Whipp,B.,Wasserman,K.(1986) Dynamics of oxygen uptake during exercise in adults with cyanotic congenital heart disease. Circulation, 73 (6) 1137-1143.
Rosove,M.,Perloff,J.,Child,J., Hocking,W.,Canobbio,M.,Skorton,D. (1986) "Chronic hypoxaemia and decompensated erythrocytosis in cyanotic congenital heart disease. Lancet, 313-315.
Canobbio, M.M., Mair,D., Rapkin,A.,Perloff,J.K.(1990): Menstrual patterns in women following the Fontan repair. American Journal of Cardiology, July 15,1990.
Canobbio, M.M.,Day M: Role of clinical nurse specialist in an adult congenital heart disease program. (1994) Nursing Clinics of North America. 29:357.
Canobbio,M.M., Rapkin,A.,Perloff,J.K.,Lin,A., Child,J.(1995) Menstrual patterns in women with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Cardiology. 16:12-15.
Canobbio M.M.,Mair D.D, van der Velde M, Koos B.: Pregnancy outcomes after the Fontan Repair.(1996) J Amer College of Cardiol 28:763-767.
Canobbio M.M., Transitional care issues for adolescents with congenital heart disease. J Pediatric Nursing 16:363-370, 2001.
Canobbio M.M. Rapkin A, Perloff JK. Gynecologic health of females with congenital heart disease. (2004) Int’l J Cardiol 98: 379-387.
Canobbio M. M. Morris C., Graham T., Lanzberg M.: Pregnancy outcomes in women following atrial repair for transposition of the great arteries. 2006 Am J Cardiol. 98: 668-672.
Drenthen W, Hoendermis ES Moons P, Heida KY, Roos-Hesseling JW, Mulder BM. Canobbio MM, Petronella GP. (2008) Menstrual cycle and its disorders in women with congenital heart disease” . Congenit Heart Dis, 3:277-283.
Hilderson D, Saidi AS, Van Deyk K, Verstappen A, Kovacs AH, Fernandes SM, Canobbio MM, Fleck D, Meadows A, Linstead R, Moons P. Attitude Toward and Current Practice of Transfer and Transition of Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease in the United States of America and Europe. (2009) Pediatr Cardiol. ; 30-786-793.
Sable C, Foster E, Uzark K, Bjornsen K, Canobbio M, Connolly H, Graham T, Gurvitz M, Kovacs A Meadows A, Reid G, Reiss J, Rosenbaum K, Sagerman P, Saidi A, Schonberg R, Shah S, Tong E, Williams R. Best Practices in Managing Transition to Adulthood for Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease: The Transition Process and Medical and Psychosocial Issues: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011 Feb 28
Pundi K, Johnson J,Bbonnichsen C, Phillips S, Canobbio MM.Cetta F. Contraception practices and pregnancy outcome in patients after Fontan operation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65: 63-70.
Pillutla P, Nguyen T Markovic D, Canobbio MM, Aboulhosn JA, Koos B. “Cardiovascular and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with high risk congenital heart disease. Am J Cardiol; 2016 117:1672-1677.
Miner PD, Canobbio MM, Pearson DD, Schlater M, Balon Y, Junge KJ, Bhatt A. et.al. Contraceptive practices of women with complex congenital heart disease. Am J Cardiol 2017;119:911-915.
Canobbio MM, Warnes CA, Aboulhosn J, Connolly HM, Khanna A, Koos BJ, et.al. Management of pregnancy in patients with complex congenital heart disease: A Scientific Statement for healthcare professionals from American Heart Association. Circulation 2017; 135:e50-e87.
Afshar Y, Hoang E, Waks A Canobbio M, Aboulhosn J, Koos BK. “Maternal single ventricle physiology is a predictor of a small for gestational age neonate” Am J Obstetrics and Gynecology Maternal single ventricle physiology is a predictor of a small for gestational age neonate,2017. 218: 466.
Shum KK, Gupta T, Canobbio M, Durst J. Shah S. Family Planning and Pregnancy Management in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Prog CV Disease, 2018; 61:336-346.
Afshar A, Tan W, Williams MJ, Canobbio MM, Aboulhosn J, Lin J, Luri G, Koos B. Maternal Fontan Procedure is a Predictor of a Small for Gestational Age Neonate: A 10-year retrospective study 2019 Accepted by AJOG MFM in press.