Honors and Awards
1985 Distinguished Practitioner, National Academics of Practice, Inducted 1986 Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, Inducted 1987 First Award for Excellence in Research, Beta Mu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau April 1988 University of Arizona, Mortar Board Citation Award 1995 Sigma Theta Tau, International Nursing Honorary Society. Elisabeth McWilliams Founder's Award for Excellence in Research 1997 College of Nursing 40th Anniversary Award for Excellence in Research 2001 Fellow, Gerontology Society of America 2001 First Western Institute of Nursing/John A. Hartford Foundation Award for Gerontological Nursing 2005 F-NINR Pathfinder Award 2005 Gerontologist of the Year, Arizona Geriatric SocietyTeaching
I have taught graduate level courses on gerontology; research methods including developing and testing instrumentation for nursing research, community-based research and grounded theory; and research seminars focusing on the development of research proposals.
Research and Scholarship
My research focuses on family caregiving for frail elders; care of frail elders in institutions including assisted living facilities; nursing interventions to promote functional behavior among elders with dementia; elder abuse in homes and in institutions; late-life domestic violence; and end-of-life caregiving. I have had a special emphasis on nursing aspects of cross-cultural research on aging with Mexican American and Asian groups.
1985 1988 Principal Investigator, Causal Factors Affecting the Quality of Family Caregiving. NIH 1987-1993 1 RO1 NU/AG 01323. Principal Investigator, Biomedical Research Support Grant. NIH 1989-1994 #SO7 RR05913. Principal Investigator, Causal Factors Affecting the Quality of Family Caregiving. NIH 1990-1995 2R01-NU/AG01323-A1. Co-Principal Investigator, Ferketich, S., Phillips, L.R., & Verran, J.A. Comprehensive Multi-Level Nursing Practice Model in Rural Arizona. AHCPR 1991 1R18-HS06801. Principal Investigator, Data Acquisition & Management Network. NIH, B.R.S.G. Instrumentation Program 1991 Co-Principal Investigator, Van Ort, S. & Phillips, L.R. Nursing Intervention Strategies to Improve Functional Feeding. ADRDA 1991-1992 Co-Principal Investigator, Van Ort, S., Phillips, L.R. & Woodtli, A., Mealtime Interactions of Demented Elders. Co-Principal Investigator. NINR 1992 1994 Principal Investigator, Causal Factors Affecting the Quality of Family Caregiving. Minority Supplement. NIH 1996-1999 1 RO1 NU/AG 01323. Principal Investigator, Intervention for Abuse of Aging Caregivers. NIJ/NIH 1996-1999 1RO1 DA/AG 1115. Principal Investigator, Intervention for Abuse of Aging Caregivers (Minority Supplement). NIH 1997-2002 Principal Investigator, Training for Community Base Interventions. NINR, T32 2002-2006 Principal Investigator, Arizona Geriatric Education Center, HRSA 2003-2004 5 D31 HP80006. Principal Investigator, Arizona Geriatric Education Center Supplement. AHCPR 2003-2005 5 D31 HP80006. Principal Investigator, Decisions and Dilemmas of End of Life Caregivers. NIH 2002-2005 5R03NR008563. Principal Investigator, Evaluation of the Health Improvement Program for the Elderly (HIPE), SAMHSA 2006-2011 Co-Principal Investigator, Fain, M., Phillips, L., & Tomasa, L. Reynolds Program for Applied Geriatrics. Funded by the Donald W. FoundationProfessional Service
2007 Member, Research Review Panel, National Institute of Justice 2004 Member, Research Review Panel, Australian Palliative Care Program 2001-Present Member, Awards Committee, Western Institute of Nursing 2003 Chair, Special Emphasis Panel Caregiving, National Institute of Nursing Research 2003 Member, Special Emphasis Panel on Roybal Translational Research Centers, National Institute of Aging 2002 Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, Administration on Aging 2000-Present Member, TriServices Nursing Research Review Panel 2001 Member, Expert Panel on Family Caregiving, National Institute of Nursing Research, . 1997-1999 Member, National Institute of Nursing Research Initial Review Group, Study Section, National Institutes of Health 1999-2003 Chair, National Institute of Nursing Research Initial Review Group, Study Section, National Institutes of Health Manuscript reviewer for Journal of Nursing Measurement, ADRDA Journal, Western Journal of Nursing Research, Nursing Research, The Gerontologist, Journal on Elder AbusePublications
Kim Y, Evangelista LS, Phillips LR, Pavlish C, Kopple JD. (2012). Racial/ethnic differences in illness, perceptions in minority patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing, 39, 39-48.
Ziminski CE, Phillips LR, Woods DL. (2012). Raising the index of suspicion for elder abuse: cognitive impairment, falls, and injury patterns in the emergency department. Geriatric Nursing, 33, 105-12.
Sayre MM, McNeese-Smith D, Leach LS, Phillips LR. (2012). An educational intervention to increase "speaking-up" behaviors in nurses and improve patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 27, 154-160.
Ziminski CE, Phillips LR. (2011). The nursing role in reporting elder abuse: specific examples and interventions. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 37, 19-23.
Crist, J., GarcĂa-Smith, D., Phillips, L. (2006). Accommodating the Stranger en Casa: How Mexican American Elders and Caregivers Decide to Use Formal Care. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. 20(2), 109-126.
Jones, E., Mallinson, K, Phillips, L. (2006). Challenges in Language, Culture, and Modality: Translating English Measures into American Sign Language. Nursing Research. 55(2), 75-81.
Guo, G. & Phillips, L. (2006). A Community's Perception of Health Care for Elders at the US-Mexico Border. Public Health Nursing. 23(3), 224-233.
Phillips, L. (2005). Elder Abuse. Encyclopedia of Human Development. Thousand Oaks, California, Sage Publications.
Phillips, L., Bursac, K., Guo, G. (2005). Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease in Arizona, Future Projections and Implications. Arizona Geriatric Society Journal. 10 (2), 19-24.
Hsueh, K., Phillips L., Cheng, W., & Picot, S. (2005). Assessing Cross-Cultural Equivalence through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 27(6), 755-771.
Phillips, L. (2005). El Genero como factor de riesgo (Gender as a Risk Factor for Abuse in Late Life), In Isabel Iborra Marmoleo (Ed). Violencia contra personas mayors. Centro Reina Sofia para el Estudio de la Violencia, Valencia Spain, Ariel Press.
Phillips, L. (2005). Communication and Dementia Care. Four interactive educational modules prepared for Dementia Care International.
Kim MT, Han HR, Phillips LR. (2004). Metric Equivalence Assessment in Cross-cultural Research: Using an Example of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scales (CES-D). Journal of Nursing Measurement. 11(1): 5-18.
Bursac, K. & Phillips, L. (2004). Arizona's Older Ethnic Minorities 2000: A Demographic Analysis. Arizona Center on Aging, Tucson, Arizona.
Bursac, K. & Phillips, L. (2004). Arizona's Older Ethnic Minorities 2000: Population and Mortality Demographic Statistics. Arizona Center on Aging. Tucson, Arizona.
Bursac, K., & Phillips, L. (2003). Pathfinder: A Guide for Family Caregiving. Arizona Center on Aging, Tucson, Arizona.
May, K,. Phillips, L, Ferketich, S, Verran, J. (2003). Public health nursing: the generalist in a specialized environment. Public Health Nursing. 20(4):252-9.
Jones, P., Lee, J., Phillips, L., Zhang, X., & Jaceldo, K. (2001). An adaptation of Brislin's translation model for cross-cultural research. Nursing Research.
Phillips, L., Brewer, B., & Torres, E. (2001). The Elder Image Scale: A method for indexing history and emotion in family caregiving. Journal of Nursing Measurement. 9(1), 23-47.
Phillips, L. (2000). Domestic Violence and Older Women. Geriatric Nursing, 21(4), 188-195.
Phillips, L., Torres, E., Kileen, M., & Komnenich, P. (2000). The Mexican American Caregiving Experience. Journal of Hispanic Health, 22(3), 296-313.
Phillips, L., Torres, E., Solis Briones, G., & Ayres, M. (2000). Aging Caregiver Abuse. Journal of Elder Abuse, 12(3/4), 123-143.
Phillips, L. & Ayres, M. (1999). Supportive and nonsupportive care environments for the elderly. In Hinshaw. A., Feetham, S. & Shaver. J. Handbook of Clinical Nursing Research. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications. pp. 599-628.
Russell, C., Cromwell, S., Phillips, L. (1999). The Dance of Dependency. Journal of Scholarly Inquiry. 13(4), 283-304.
Phillips, L.R. (1997). On Becoming a Caregiver: Default or Election? And does it Matter? Caring Magazine, 14(4), 12-5.
Phillips, L., Steffl, B, Burggraf, V, Hayes, D. (1997). Leaders in geriatric nursing. Memories of Mary Opal Wolanin: geriatric nurse, mentor, friend. Geriatric Nursing. 18(5):232-4.
Gregory, D., Russell, C., & Phillips, L. (1997). Beyond textual perfection: Transcribers as vulnerable persons. Qualitative Health Research, 7,(2), 294-300. Williams, T., et al. (1997).
Guidelines for Dementia Screening. Agency for Health Care Policy and .Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Guidelines for Health Professionals.
Warshaw, G., Gwyther, L., Koff, T. & Phillips, L. (1996). Care of persons with Alzheimer's Disease and related Dementias: A source book for primary care physicians. Alzheimer's Disease: An Overview for Primary Care. The Sattinger Group.
Phillips, L. (1996). Elder Abuse: Clinician's dilemmas. In R. B. Edwards (Ed.). Volume 1: Advances in Bioethics, Violence, Neglect and Elderly. Greenwich, CT, JAI Press, Inc.
Phillips, LR. (1996). Caregiving and ethnicity. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 18(3):232-5.
Phillips, L.R., Luna de Hernandez, I., Russell, C., Baca, G., Chae, Y.M., Cromwell, S., & Torres de Ardon, E. (1996). Toward a cross-cultural perspective of family caregiving. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 18(3), 236-251.
Chae, Y.M., Luna de Hernandez, I., Phillips, L., Cromwell, S., Russell, C., & Torres de Ardon, E. (1996). Toward a cross-cultural understanding of family caregiving burden. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 18(3), 252-266.
Luna De Hernandez, I., Torres de Ardon, E., Phillips, L., Chae, Y.M., Cromwell, S., & Russell, C. (1996). The relevance of familism in cross-cultural studies of caregiving. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 18(3), 267-283.
Cromwell, S., Russell, C., Phillips, L., Chae, Y.M., Luna de Hernandez, I., & Torres de Ardon, E. (1996). Uncovering the cultural context of quality of family caregiving. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 18(3), 284-298.
Phillips, L.R., Morrison, E.F., Chae, Y.M., Steffl, B., Cromwell, S., & Russell, C. (1995). Effects of the situational context and interactional process on the quality of family caregiving. Research in Nursing and Health, 18, 205-216.
Phillips, L.R., & Van Ort, S. (1995). Issues in conducting intervention research in long-term care settings. Nursing Outlook, 43, 249-253.
Cromwell, S., & Phillips, L.R. (1995). Forgetfulness in Elders: Strategies for Protective Caregiving. Geriatric Nursing, 16(2), 55-59.
Van Ort, S., & Phillips, L. (1995). Nursing interventions to promote functional feeding. Gerontological Nursing, October 1995, pp. 7-14.
Davis, A.J., Phillips, L.R., Drought, T.S., Sellin, S., Ronsman, K., & Hershberger, A.K. (1995). Nurses attitudes toward active euthanasia. Nursing Outlook. 43 (4), 174-179.
Phillips, L.R., Luna, I., & Torres, E., (1994). Strategies for Achieving Cultural Equivalence. Research in Nursing and Health, 17, 149-154.
Norberg, A., Hirschfeld, M., Davidson, B., Davis, A., Lauri, S., Lin, J.Y., Phillips, L., Pitman, E., Vanderlaan, R. & Ziv, I. (1994). Ethical reasoning concerning the feeding of severely demented patients--An international perspective. Nursing Ethics, 1 (1), 3-13.
Dimond, M. et al. (1994). State of the Art: Clinical Nursing Research in Long-Term Care, Monograph. U.S. Government Printing Office.
Phillips, L.R. (1994). Quality of Caring: The Elder at Home. In Ways of Knowing and Caring for Older Adults, Burke, M. & Sherman, S. (Eds). Issues in providing Quality Home Care for the Elderly. NLN Press. pp. 121-135.
Phillips, L.R., & Van Ort, S. (1993) Quantifying mealtime interactions. Journal of Measurement in Nursing, 1, 1994. Ferketich, S.L., Phillips, L.R., & Verran, J.A. (1993). Development and administration of a survey instrument for cross-cultural research. Research in Nursing and Health. 16 (3); 227-230.
Davis, A., Davidson, B., Hirschfeld, M. Lauri, S., Lin, J.Y, Norberg, A., Phillips, L. Pitman, E., Shen, C.H., Vanderlaan, R., Zhang, H.L., Ziv, L. (1993). An international perspective on active euthanasia--attitudes of nurses in 7 counties. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 30, (4), 301-310.
Phillips, L.R. (1992). Challenges of conducting research with the frail elderly. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 14, 721-730.
Van Ort, S., & Phillips, L.R. (October, 1992). Feeding nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease. Geriatric Nursing, pp. 249-253.
Phillips, L.R. (1991). Social Supports of the Older Client. In W.C. Chenitz, J.T. Stone & S.A. Salisbury (Eds.). Clinical Gerontological Nursing. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., pp. 535-544.
Davidson, B., Vanderlaan, R., Davis, A. Hirschfeld, M. Lauri, S., Norberg, A., Phillips, L., Pitman, E., Ying, L.J., & Ziv. (1990). Ethical reasoning associated with the feeding of terminally ill cancer patients: An international perspective, Cancer Nursing. 13, 286-292.
Phillips, L.R., Morrison, E., & Chae, Y.M. (1990). THE QUALCARE SCALE: Developing Measurement Instruments To Maintain Clinical Excellence in Clinical Practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 21, 61-75.
Phillips, L.R., Morrison, E., & Chae, Y.M. (1990). The QUALCARE SCALE: Testing of a Measurement Instrument for Clinical Practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 21, 77-91.
Phillips, L.R. (1990). Causal modeling: A technique for theory development in gerontological nursing. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 16, 20-24.
Morrison, E.F., Phillips, L.R., & Chae, Y.M. (1990). Issues in the development and use of observations measures. Applied Nursing Research, 3, 73-77.
Phillips, L.R. (1990). The elderly, the nurse and the challenge. Keynote chapter in D. Corr & C. Corr (Ed.). Nursing Care in an Aging Society. New York, Springer Publishing Co.
Phillips, L.R. (1989). Elder-family caregiver relationships: Determining appropriate nursing interventions. In R. Rempusheski (Ed.). Nursing Clinics of North America. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 24, 795-807.
Phillips, L.R. (1989). Issues involved in identifying and intervening in elder abuse. In Elder Abuse: Practice and Policy. Rachel Filinson and Stanley R. Ingman (Eds.). New York, Human Sciences Press, Inc., pp. 86-93.
Phillips, L.R., Rempusheski, V.F., & Morrison. (1989). Developing and Testing The Beliefs about Caregiving Scale. Research in Nursing and Health. 12, 207-220.
Phillips, L.R. (1989). The fit of elder abuse with the family violence paradigm, and the implications of a paradigm shift for clinical practice. Public Health Nursing. 5(4), 222-229.
Phillips, L.R. (1989). Age: A Truly Confounding Variable. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 11(2), 181-195.
Phillips, L.R. (1989). Nursing Strategies: Cognitive Impairments of the Older Adult. In Nursing Update: The Older Adult. Angela S. Staab (Ed.). New Jersey: Continuing Professional Education Center Inc.
MacFadyen, S.C., Boyce, W.T., Sobelewski, S., & Phillips, L.R. (1988). Injuries, absences and visits to the nurse among children in alternative schools. Journal of School Health. 58(10), 406-409.
Phillips, L.R. (1988). Elder Abuse, Nursing Yearbook 88. Springhouse PA, Springhouse Corporation. pp. 211-213. Rempusheski, V.F., & Phillips, L.R. (1988). Elders versus Caregivers: Games They Play. Geriatric Nursing. 9(1), 30-34.
Phillips, L.R. (1987). Mental health problems of the aged in the community. In Norris, Joan et al., Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, New York, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 389-420.
Phillips, L.R. (1987). The Relationship of Confusion and Abuse. In Harvey J. Altman (Ed.). Alzheimer's Disease: Directions and Perspectives, New York, Plenem Press, pp. 29-224.
Phillips, L.R. (1987). Ethical concerns of elders and caregivers. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 13(3): 36-39.
Phillips, L.R. (1987). Critical Points in Decision Making. In Clinical Judgement & Decision Making. Kathryn J. Hannah, Marlene Reimer, Winnifred C. Mills & Shannen Letourneau (Eds.). New York, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 63-67.
Phillips, L.R. (1986). Theoretical Explanations for Elder Abuse: Competing Hypotheses and Unresolved Issues. In Elder Abuse: Conflict in the Family. Karl Pillemer & Rosalie Wolf (Eds.) Dover, MA: Auburn Publishing Company, pp. 197-214.
Phillips, L.R. (1986). A Clinician's Guide to the Critique and Utilization of Nursing Research. Norwalk, CT: Appleton Century Crofts.
Phillips, L.R., & Rempusheski, V.F. (1986). Caring for the frail elderly at home: Toward a theoretical explanation of the dynamics of poor family caregiver. Advances in Nursing Science. 8 (4): 62-84. This was reprinted in its entirety as a middle range theory in nursing in: Chinn, P. (1994). Developing Substance: Mid-Range Theory in Nursing. Colorado, Aspen Publications, pp. 122-148.
Phillips, L.R., & Rempusheski, V.F. (1985). Making decisions about elder abuse. Social Casework 67: 131 140. This was reprinted in its entirety and critiqued as a good example of grounded theory in the health professions in: Glaser, B. (1995). Grounded Theory: 1984-1994. Mill Valley, Sociology Press. pp. 405-421.
Phillips, L.R., & Rempusheski, V.F. (1985) Diagnosing and intervening for elder abuse: An empirically generated theoretical model. Nursing Research, 34:134 139.
Phillips, L.R. (1984). An exploration of confusion and abuse among the home bound elderly. Geriatric Consultant, 2(5): 14 17.
Phillips, L. R. (1983). Elder abuse--What is it? Who says so? Geriatric Nursing, May/June, pp. 167-170.
Phillips, L.R. (1983). Abuse/neglect of the frail elderly at home: An exploration of theoretical relationships. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 8: 379 392.
Beck, C.M. & Phillips, L.R. (1983). Abuse of the confused elderly at home. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 9(2): 96 101.
Wolanin, M.O. and Phillips, L.R. (1981). Confusion: Prevention and Care, The C.V. Mosby Company.