Joyce Newman Giger, EdD, APRN-BC, FAAN
Professor Emerita
Faculty Research and Clinical Expertise
Research: Dr. Giger's research focuses on genetic indices and other physiological predictors of coronary heart disease among pre-menopausal African-American women (18-45) as they relate to designing culturally competent interventions to stop the phenotypical expression of risk indices for the development of coronary heart disease among this vulnerable population. Dr. Giger's research specifically takes into account gene-environmental interactions, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, the metabolic syndrome in relations to the development of coronary heart disease in this vulnerable population.
Clinical: Transcultural nursing
Professional Activities
1999-2007 Co-Chair, Expert Panel on Cultural Competence, American Academy of Nursing
Kentucky State University, ADN, 1970, Nursing
Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, BSN, 1977, Nursing
Indiana University, South Bend, MS, 1979, Education
Ball State University, MA, 1983 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Ball State University , EdD, 1986, Educational Administration
Honors and Awards
2005 Featured in the South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana for the Receipt of the Honorary Doctorate and Creation of Nursing Program at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana 2005 Honorary Doctorate, Humane Letters, Bethel College 2005 Featured in the Spotlight, Culture divide, Advance for Nurses: Southern California 2005 Scholar, Transcultural Nursing Society, Inducted in New York, New York 2007 Named an Edge Runner for the Giger & Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model with Podium Presentation on November 9th at the Annual Convention, American Academy of Nursing, Washington,DC 2008 Elected to Instituted of Excellence for Contributions to Eliminate Health Disparities, National Black Nurses Association 2009 The National Black Nurses Association, Institute for Excellence, Outstanding ContributionsPublications
Miller. P., Evangelista, L., Giger, JN, Martinez-Maza, O., Covera-Tindel, T., Esmailian, F., Doering, L. (2009). Running on Exhaustion: Pathogen Burden, Immune Dysregulation, and Endothelial Activation After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Circulation.;120:A36.
Scisney-Matlock M, Bosworth HB, Giger JN, Strickland OL, Harrison RV, Coverson D, Shah NR, Dennison CR, Dunbar-Jacob JM, Jones L, Ogedegbe G, Batts-Turner ML, Jamerson KA. (2009). Strategies for implementing and sustaining therapeutic lifestyle changes as part of hypertension management in African Americans. Post Graduate Medicine, 121(3):147-59.
Appel SJ, Giger JN, Davidhizar RE. (2008, July). Opportunity cost: the impact of contextual risk factors on the cardiovascular health of low-income rural southern African-American women. . MacDonald DJ, Sarna L, Giger JN, Van Servellen G, Bastani R, Weitzel JN. (2008, July-August). Comparison of Latina and non-Latina white women's beliefs about communicating genetic cancer risk to relatives. J Health Commun, 13(5):465-79.
Davidhizar R, Giger JN. (2008, July). Understanding Ethnopharmacolgy: implications for cultural relativism. J Natl Black Nurses Assoc. 19(1):63-8.
Giger JN, Appel SJ, Davidhizar R, Davis C. (2008, October). Church and spirituality in the lives of the African American community. J Transcult Nurs;19(4):375-83. Epub 2008 Jul 23.
Dowd S, Davidhizar R., & Giger JN. (2007 Jan-Mar) The mystery of altruism and transcultural nursing. Health Care Manager (Frederick), 26(1):64-7.
Macdonald DJ, Sarna L, Van Servellen G, Bastani R, Giger JN, Weitzel JN. (2007, May). Selection of family members for communication of cancer risk and barriers to this communication before and after genetic cancer risk assessment. Genet Medicine, 9(5):275-282.
Giger J, Davidhizar RE, Purnell L, Harden JT, Phillips J, Strickland O; American Academy of Nursing. (2007, April) American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel report: developing cultural competence to eliminate health disparities in ethnic minorities and other vulnerable populations. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, . 18(2):95-102.
Strickland, O. Giger, JN, Nelson, M., Davis, C. (2007, July-August ). The relationships among stress, coping, social support, and weight class in pre-menopausal African American women at risk for coronary heart disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(4):272-8.
Jones T, Nyamathi A, Giger JN, Jacobsen SJ. (2007, July). Antibody response to hepatitis B vaccination in urban, homeless adults. J Natl Black Nurses Assoc. 2007, 18(1), 1-7.
Giger, JN, Davidhizar, R., & Fordham, P. (2006). Multi-cultural Considerations and Advanced Directives: Developing Cultural Competency. Journal of Cultural Diversity.
Dowd S, Davidhizar R., & Giger JN. (2007 Jan-Mar) The mystery of altruism and transcultural nursing. Health Care Manager (Frederick), 26(1):64-7.
Grant JS, Elliott TR, Weaver M, Glandon GL, Raper JL, & Giger JN. (2006 March). Social support, social problem-solving abilities, and adjustment of family caregivers of stroke survivors. Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation. 87(3):343-50.
Appel, S., Massey, C., Giger, JN. (2006, July). Watch that Waistline: A Look at the Metabolic Syndrome. Nursing Critical Care, 1(4), 46-54.
Grant JS, Glandon GL, Elliott TR, Giger JN, Weaver M.. (2006 Summer). Problems and associated feelings experienced by family caregivers of stroke survivors the second and third month post-discharge. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 13(3), 66-74.
Giger, JN, Davidhizar, R., & Fordham, P. (2006). Multi-cultural Considerations and Advanced Directives: Developing Cultural Competency. Journal of Cultural Diversity.
Grant JS, Elliott TR, Weaver M, Glandon GL, Raper JL, & Giger JN. (2006 March). Social support, social problem-solving abilities, and adjustment of family caregivers of stroke survivors. Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation. 87(3):343-50.
Appel, S., Massey, C., Giger, JN. (2006, July). Watch that Waistline: A Look at the Metabolic Syndrome. Nursing Critical Care, 1(4), 46-54.
Grant JS, Glandon GL, Elliott TR, Giger JN, Weaver M.. (2006 Summer). Problems and associated feelings experienced by family caregivers of stroke survivors the second and third month post-discharge. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. 13(3), 66-74.
Xu Y, Davidhizar R, Giger JN. (2005 Spring ). What if your nursing student is from an Asian culture? Journal of Cultural Diversity, 12(1):5-11.
Appel, SJ, Floyd, NA, Giger, JN, Weaver, MT, Luo H, Hannah T, & Ovalle F. (2005, Sept-Oct;). African American women, metabolic syndrome, and national cholesterol education program criteria: a pilot study. Nursing Research, 54(5):339-46.
Giger , JN, Strickland OL, Weaver M, Taylor H, Acton RT. (2005 Spring). Genetic predictors of coronary heart disease risk factors in pre-menopausal African-American women. Ethnicity & Disease, 15(2):221-32
Appel SJ, Giger JN, Davidhizar RE (2005, Sep-Oct.). Opportunity cost: the impact of contextual risk factors on the cardiovascular health of low-income rural southern African American women. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 315-320.
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Assessment and intervention, (Fifth Edition). St. Louis: Mosby Yearbook, Inc.
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (2004,). Transcultural nursing:: Assessment and intervention, (Fourth Edition). St. Louis: Mosby Yearbook, Inc.
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (1999). Transcultural nursing:: Assessment and intervention, (Third Edition). St. Louis: Mosby Yearbook, Inc.
Davidhizar, R., & Giger, J. (1998). Canadian Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention. St. Louis: Mosby Year Book, Inc.
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (1995). Transcultural nursing: Assessment and intervention, (Second Edition). St. Louis: Mosby Yearbook, Inc.
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (1991). Transcultural nursing: Assessment and intervention, St. Louis: Mosby¬, Inc. Translated in French and Published (1992) by Editions LaMarre. Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (1992). Soins Infimiers Interculturels. Paris, France: Editions Lamarre.
Tucker, D., & Giger, J. (1990). Finding nursing in the library, Bristol, Indiana: Wyndham Hall Press.
Book Chapters
Giger, J. N. (2010). Defining Health Disparities from Three Viewpoints: Reducing Inequality in Health Care. In P. Cowen & S. Moorhead, Current Issues in Nursing (Eight Edition). St. Louis: Mosby.
Giger, J.N., & Davidhizar, R. (2007). Culturally Competent Interventions in Vulnerable Populations. In Nyamathi, A. & Koniak Griffin, D. Vulnerable Populations, Annual Review of Nursing Research. Sage Publications.
Burnes-Bolton, L., Giger, N, & Georges, A. (2004). Eliminating Health Disparities among Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 22, Springer Publishing Company.
Giger, JN., Weaver, M., Kasper, C., & Kang, DK. (2004). Section IV: Advancing genetic research in Nursing: Implications for Nursing science. S. Feetham & J. Williams (EdS.). Genetics in nursing (pp 27-34). Geneva, Switerzerland: The International Council for Nurses.
Davidhizar, R., & Giger, J. (2001). Empowerment of the elderly. In Maas, Buckwalter, Hardy, and Tripp- Reimer's, Health Promotion of the Elderly.
Giger, J., & Davidhizar, R. (2000). Cultural diversity. In Potter & Perry, Fundamentals of Nursing. St. Louis: Mosby.
Giger, J., & Mood, L. (1997). Culturally Competent Teamwork. In J. Diennaman, Cultural Diversity. Washington D.C.: American Academy of Nursing, 13 19.
Poole, V., Davidhizar, R., & Giger, J. (1995). Cultural aspects of psychiatric nursing. In N. Keltner & D. Folks, Psychiatric Nursing. St. Louis: Mosby, Inc.
Giger, J., Davidhizar, R., (1994). Cultural factors influencing mental health and illness. In C. Taylor, Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing. St. Louis: Mosby, Inc., 215 238.
Strickland, O., & Giger, J. (1994). Women's health in the decade of the woman. In Ora Strickland, Ph.D., RN., & Dorothy Fishman, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, Nursing Issues and Ethics, Delmar Publishing Company, 362 399.
Giger, J., Davidhizar, R., & Wieczorek, S. (1994). Transcultural Nursing: Have We Gone Too Far or not Far Enough?. In Ora Strickland, Ph.D., RN., & Dorothy Fishman, Ph.D., RN, FAAN Nursing Issues and Ethics, Delmar Publishing Company, 491 504.
Giger, J., Davidhizar, R., & Wieczorek, S. (1993).Culture and ethnicity. In Irene Bobak, Ph.D., R.N., Maternity Nursing, 5th Edition, St. Louis: Mosby Yearbook, Inc., 43 67.