“Some cancers are preventable and for the next generation, cancers caused by 7 of 12 high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPV) can be prevented. Currently, we have a vaccine that prevents >90% of cervical cancers in females and nearly all oropharyngeal and anal cancers in adult men and women. However, like other areas of healthcare, adherence is difficult – getting people to receive a vaccine and complete the series of vaccinations is a difficult American public health problem. Even if we prevent the HPV cancers that might occur in 50 years, we have many adults who will still need our help. Developing new cancer screening, early diagnosis and precancer treatment approaches are important to improving the public’s health by preventing cancer. Last, treatments that improve adherence to cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment at ages when precancer or early malignancy can be diagnosed is essential to our nation’s cancer prevention program.”
Dorothy Wiley, a professor with the UCLA School of Nursing, has clinical expertise in community and public health prevention strategies, including the sexually transmitted diseases HIV and HPV. In her research, Dr. Wiley has worked to develop strategies to help the body better fight HPV infections. She led UCLA’s randomized clinical trial study site that contributed to the first HPV vaccine approved for use in the U.S. She now focuses on early diagnosis and treatment for HPV-related anal pre-cancer. She proactively educates clinicians and the public in negative misconceptions about the HPV disease and HPV vaccine. She hopes to reduce compliance gaps in vaccine recommendations among youth and adults, as the vaccine has shown to prevent the genital HPV infections that cause most cases of cervical and anogenital cancers and genital warts.
Her areas of scholarly expertise and interest include sexuality, sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV and HPV infection; cancer screening, cancer prevention, vaccine efficacy, molecular biomarkers for acute and chronic infections and infection clearance.
Faculty Research and Clinical Expertise
Research: Men's and women's health as it relates to sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases; HIV infection, including risk factors for disease progression; HPV infection, including population surveillance for cervical, oropharyngeal and anal cancer screening activities, vaccine efficacy, and molecular biomarkers and risk factors for infection. Dr. Wiley employs epidemiological methods to identify health- and disease- patterns in human populations.
Clinical: Adolescent females and adult women, adult men, community/public health prevention strategies, socially disenfranchised populations.
Professional Activities
2003-2005 Western Institute for Nursing — Member; Membership Committee 2004-Present American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology — Member 2004-2006 American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology — National Research Committee Member, ASCCP Ad-Hoc Research Committee Member 2005-Present American Association for Cancer Research — Member 2008-Present American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology — National Research Committee Member, ASCCP Special Populations Committee 2010-Present American Academy of Nursing — American Nurses Association — Member of Emerging and Infectious Diseases Expert Panel (EID); Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTQ) Health Expert Panel; Chair-Elect EID: 2014-16.;Moderator 10/2015: AAN Annual Conference: Policy Dialogue on Vaccination Policies; Chair EID: 2016-17 2010-Present National Black Nurses Association — Member; Conducted Writing pre-conference activities at the 2010, 2011, 2012 national meeting 2013-Present International Anal Neoplasia Society — Member 2014-Present International Papillomavirus Society — MemberEducation
Grossmont Community College, AS, 1977, Nursing
San Diego State University, Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, 1978, Nursing
San Diego State University, MPH, 1983, Public Health
UCLA School of Public Health, PhD, 1995, Epidemiology
Honors and Awards
2007 Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Recognition Award for Research and Service for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. 2008 San Diego County Board of Supervisors Recognition Award for Research, Education and Service (June 4, 2008, sponsored by Vice Chairwoman Dianne Jacob, Supervisor 2nd District) 2008 Walk of Fame Inductee. Presented for education and research contributions by Grossmont Community College and Grossmont Community College Foundation. 2008 Recognition Award. Presented for education and research contributions by Duncan Hunter, U.S. House of Representatives 2008 Recognition Award. Presented for education and public health advocacy contributions by Assemblyman Joel Anderson, Assembly District 77, California State Legislature 2008 Recognition Award. Presented for research contributions by Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, 36th District, California State Senate 2012 UCLA-SoN faculty “Daisy Award” for baccalaureate nursing education: A nationally-recognized award for teaching excellence. (http://daisyfoundation.org/daisy-award)Publications
Database Articles and In Referred Journals
Zhang Y, Waterboer T, Pawlita M, Sugar E, Minkoff H, Cranston RD, Wiley D, Burk R, Reddy S, Margolick J, Strickler H, Weber K, Gillison M, D'Souza G. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 16 E6 seropositivity is elevated in subjects with oral HPV16 infection. Cancer Epidemiology. 2016 Aug; 43:30-4. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2016.06.002. PMID: 27344614, PMCID: PMC4963265.
Lam JO, Sugar EA, Cranston JD, Weber KM, Burk RD, Wiley DJ, Reddy S, Margolick JB, Strickler HD, Wenz A, Jacobson L, Coles CL, Bream JH, Rositch AF, Guo Y, Xiao W, Gillson ML, D’Souza G. The association of medication use with clearance or persistence of oral HPV infection. Cancer Causes and Control. 2016 Dec; 27(12)1491-1498. doi: 10.1007/s10552-016-0826-2; PMID: 27804058 PMCID:PMC5282943.
Huh WK, Joura EA, Giuliano AR, Iversen OE, Pereira de Andrade R, Ault KA, Bartholomew D, Cestero RM, Fedrizzi EN, Hirschberg AL, Mayrand MH, Ruiz-Sternberg AM, Stapleton JT, Wiley DJ, Ferenczy A, Kurman R, Ronnett BM, Stoler MH; Cuzick J, Garland SM, Kjaer SK, Bautista OM, Haupt R, Moeller E, Ritter M, Roberts CC, Shields C, Luxembourg A. Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of a nine-valent human papillomavirus vaccine in women aged 16-26 years: final analyses of a randomised, double-blind trial. THELANCET-D-17-01200R2, Accepted for publication: June 15, 2017.
Lake J, Li X, Pallela FJ, Erland KM, Wiley D, Kingsley L, Jacobson LP, Brown TT. Metabolic Health Across the Body Mass Index Spectrum in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Men. AIDS. (In press, AIDS-D-17-00429R1; 09/06/2017).
Monroe AK, Brown TT, Cox C, Reynolds SM, Wiley DJ, Palella FJ, Kingsley LA, Plankey MW. Physical Activity and its Association with Insulin Resistance in Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study Men. AIDS Research & Human Retroviruses. 2015 Dec; 31(12):1250-6. doi: 10.1089/aid.2015.0027. Epub 2015 Sept 3. PMCID: PMC4663644.
D’Souza G, Wentz A, Wiley D, Shah N, Barrington F, Darragh TM, Joste N, Plankey M, Reddy S, Breen EC, Young S, Cranston RD. Anal Cancer Screening in Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. Journal Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 2015 Dec 8 (Epub ahead of print). PMID: 26656784.
Beachler DC, Guo Y, Xiao W, Burk RD, Minkoff H, Strickler HD, Cranston RD, Wiley DJ, Jacobson LP, Weber KM, Margolick JB, Sugar EA, Reddy S, Gillison ML, D'Souza G. High Oral Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Load Predicts Long-term Persistence in Individuals With or at Risk for HIV Infection. J Infect Dis. 2015 May 7. pii: jiv273. PMCID: PMC4621250.
Hsu H, Brown TT, Li X, Young S, Cranston RD, D’Souza G, Jacobson LP, Martinez-Maza O, Seaberg EC, Margolick JB, Jenkins FJ, Moran MG, Chua K, Bolan RK, Detels R, Wiley DJ. (2015) Association between Free Testosterone Levels and Anal Human Papillomavirus Types 16/18 Infections in a Cohort of Men Who Have Sex with Men. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 20;10(3):e0119447. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119447. PMCID: PMC4368778.
Beachler DC, Sugar EA, Margolick JB, Weber KM, Strickler HD, Wiley DJ, Cranston RD, Burk RD, Minkoff H, Reddy S, Xiao W, Guo Y, Gillison ML, D’Souza G. Risk Factors for Acquisition and Clearance of Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection Among HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Adults. Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 1;181(1):40-53. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwu247. PMCID: PMC4288119.
Beachler DC. Viscidi R, Sugar EA, Minkoff H, Strickler HD, Cranston RD, Wiley DJ, Jacobson LP, Burk R, Weber KM, Margolick JB, Reddy S, Gillison ML, D’Souza G. A Longitudinal Study of HPV16 L1, E6 and E7 Seropositivity And Oral HPV16 Infection. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2015: Feb;42(2):93-7. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000236. PMCID: PMC4295625.
DeAzambuja K, Barman P, Toyama J, Elashoff D, Lawson, GW, Williams LK, Chua K, Lee D, Kehoe JJ, Brodkorb A, Schwiebert R, Kitchen S, Bhimani A, Wiley DJ. Validation of an HPV16-mediated Carcinogenesis Mouse Model. In Vivo. In Press June 13, 2014.
Wiley DJ, Li X, Hsu H, Seaberg EC, Cranston RD, Young S, D’Souza G, Martinez-Maza O, DeAzambuja K, Chua K, Hussain SK, Detels R. (2013) Factors Affecting the Prevalence of Strongly and Weakly Carcinogenic and Lower-risk Human Papillomaviruses in Anal Specimens in a Cohort of Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). PLoS One. 2013 Nov, 20;8(11):e79492. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079492. PMCID: PMC3835810.
Wiley DJ, Hsu H, Bolan R, Voskanian A, Elashoff D, Young S, . . .Detels R. (2013). Comparison of 2 Anal Cytology Protocols to Predict High-Grade Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2013 Oct;17(4):414-424 doi: 10.1097/LGT.0b013e318281d36e Epub ahead of print; April 16.
D'Souza G, Rajan S, Bhatia R, Cranston RD, Plankey MW, Silvestre A, Ostrow DG, Wiley D, Shah N, Brewer NT. Uptake and Predictors of Anal Cancer Screening in Men Who Have Sex with Men. American Journal of Public Health. 2013 Sep;103(9):e88-95. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301237. Epub 2013 Jul 18.
Pieters HC, Wiley DJ. (2013) Decision-making about Cervical Cancer Screening Methods by Homeless Women. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association. July; 24(1):9-15.
Purdy IB, Smith L, Wiley D, Badr L. (2013) A psychoneuroimmunologic examination of cumulative perinatal steroid exposures and preterm infant behavioral follow-up. Biol Res Nurs 15: 86-95.
Wiley DJ, Masongsong EV, Lu S, Sings, HL, Salem B, Giuliano AR, et al. (2012). Behavioral and sociodemographic risk factors for serological and DNA evidence of HPV6, 11, 16, 18 infections. Cancer Epidemiol. doi: S1877-7821(11)00201-3 [pii]10.1016/j.canep.2011.12.007.
Beachler, DC, Kathleen M. Weber KM Margolick JB, Strickler HD, Cranston RD, Burk RD, Wiley DJ, Minkoff H, Reddy S, Stammer EE, Gillison ML, D’Souza G. (2012) Risk factors for oral HPV infection among a high prevalence population of HIV-positive and at-risk HIV-negative adults. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 21(1):122-133. PMCID: 3280125; doi: 1055-9965.EPI-11-0734pii.
Seaberg EC, Wiley D, Martínez-Maza O, Chmiel JS, Kingsley L, Tang Y, Margolick JB, Jacobson LP; for the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). (2010) Cancer incidence in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study before and during the HAART era: 1984 to 2007. Cancer. 2010 Jul 29. PMID: 20672354.
Cui Y, Baldwin S, Wiley DJ, Fielding J. (2010) Disparities in Awareness and Acceptance of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine among Adult Women. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Dec; 39(6): 559-563.
Greengold B, Nyamathi A, Kominski G, Wiley D, Lewis MA, Hodge F, Singer M, Spiegel B. (2009) Cost-effectiveness analysis of behavioral interventions to improve vaccination compliance in homeless adults. Vaccine. Jan 29;27(5):718-25. Epub 2008 Nov 27.
Wiley DJ, Elashoff D, Masongsong EV, Harper DM, Gylys KH, Silverberg MJ, et al. (2009) Smoking Enhances Risk for New External Genital Warts in Men. International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health. 2009; 6(3):1215-1234.
Kelly KA, Wiley D, Wiesmeier E, Briskin M, Butch A, Darville T. The Combination of the Gastrointestinal Integrin (alpha4beta7) and Selectin Ligand Enhances T-Cell Migration to the Reproductive Tract During Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2009 Apr 22.
DSouza G, Cook RL, Ostrow D, Johnson-Mill L, Wiley DJ, Sylvester T. (2008) Anal Cancer Screening Behaviors And Intentions In Men Who Have Sex With Men. Journal of General Internal Medicine. Sep:23(9):1452-7.
Wiesmeier E, Masongsong E, Wiley DJ.? The Prevalence of Examiner-Diagnosed Clitoral Hood Adhesions in a Population of College-Age Women. Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 2008 Oct;12(4):307-10.
Purdy I, Wiley DJ, Smith LM, Howes C, Gawlinski A, Robbins W, Badr LK. Cumulative Perinatal Steroids: Child Development of Preterm Infants. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2008 Jun; 23(3):201-14.
D'Souza A, Wiley DJ, Li X, Chmiel JS, Margolick JB, Cranston RD, Jacobson LP. Incidence and epidemiology of anal cancer in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2008 Aug 1;48(4):491-9.
Newman PA, Roberts KJ, Masongsong E, Wiley DJ.? (2008). Anal Cancer Screening: Barriers and facilitators among ethnically diverse gay, bisexual, transgender and other men who have sex with men. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services. In press.
Valore EV, Wiley DJ, Ganz T. (2006). Reversible deficiency of antimicrobial polypeptides in bacterial vaginosis. Infection and Immunity 74(10):5693-5702.
Wiley DJ, Wiesmeier E, Masongsong E, Gylys K, Koutsky LA, Ferris DG, Barr E, Rao JY. (2006). Smokers at higher risk for undetected antibody for oncogenic Human Papillomavirus Type 16 infection. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 15(5):915-920.
Mao C, Koutsky LA, Ault KA, Wheeler CM, Brown DR, Wiley DJ, Alvarez FB, Bautista OM, Jansen KU, Barr E.(2006) Efficacy of human papillomavirus-16 vaccine to prevent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 107(1):18-27.
Nyamathi A, Dixon E, Wiley D, Christiani A, Lowe A. (2006). Hepatitis C virus infection among homeless men referred from a community clinic. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 28(4):475-488.
Wiley DJ, Huh J, Rao JY, Chang CH, Goetz M, Poulter M, Masongsong E, Chang CI, Bernard HU. (2005) Methylation of Human Papillomavirus Genomes in Cells of Anal Epithelia of HIV- Infected Men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - Basic Science. 39(2):143-151.
Wiley DJ, Harper DM, Elashoff D, Silverberg MJ, Kaestle C, Cook RL, Heileman M, Johnson L. (2005). How Condom Use, Number of Receptive Anal Intercourse partners and History of External Genital Warts Predict Risk for External Anal Warts. International Journal of STD & AIDS. 16:203-211.
Kalantari M, Calleja-Macias IE, Tewari D, Hagmar BR, Lie K, Barrera-Saldaña HA, Wiley DJ, Bernard HU. (2004). Conserved Methylation Patterns Of Human Papillomavirus-16 DNA In Asymptomatic Infection And Cervical Neoplasia. Journal of Virology. 78(23):12762-72.
Gylys, KH, Fein JA, Yang F, Wiley DJ, Miller CA, Cole GM. (2004) Synaptic Changes in Alzheimer's Disease: Increased Amyloid-{beta} and Gliosis in Surviving Terminals Is Accompanied by Decreased PSD-95 Fluorescence. American Journal Pathology. Nov 2004; 165(5):1809-1817.
Calleja-Macias IE, Kalantari M, Huh J, Williamson AL, Hagmar B, Wiley DJ, Villarreal L, Bernard HU, Barrera-Saldaña HA. (2004) Genomic Diversity of Human Papillomavirus-16, 18, 31 and 35 isolates in a Mexican Population and Relationship to European, African, and Native American Variants. Virology. 319(2):315-23.
Gylys KH, Fein JA, Wiley DJ, Cole GM. (2003). Rapid annexin-V labeling in synaptosomes. Neurochemistry International. 44(3): 125-31.
Kaestle C, Morisky DE, Wiley DJ. (2002). Sexual Intercourse and the Age Difference between Adolescent Girls and their Romantic Partners. Perspectives in Sexual and Reproductive Health. 34(6):304-9.
Nyamathi AM, Robbins WA, Fahey J, Wiley D, Pekler V, Longshore D, Robins TA, Singh J, Saab S. (2002). Presence of and predictors of HCV RNA in semen of homeless men, Biological Research for Nursing. 4(1):22-30.
Wiley DJ, Grosser S, Qi K, Visscher BV, Beutner K, Strathdee SA, Calhoun B, Palella F, Detels R. (2002). Validity of Self-reported Episodes of External Genital Warts. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 35(1):39-45.
Nyamathi A., Dixon E., Longshore D., Robbins W., Wiley D., Leake B., Smith C. (2002). Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Virus Infection Among Homeless Adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 17(2):134-43.
Goetz MB, Boscardin WJ, Wiley DJ, Alkasspooles S. (2001). Decreased Recovery of CD4+ Lymphocytes in Elderly HIV-Infected Patients Beginning HAART. AIDS. 15(12):1576-9.
Ferbas J, Giorgi JV, Amini S, Grovit-Ferbas S, Wiley DJ, Detels R, Plaeger S. (2000). Antigen-specific production of RANTES, MIP1a and MIP1ß in vitro is a correlate of reduced HIV burden in vivo. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 182(4):1247-50.
Wiley DJ, Visscher BR, Grosser S, Hoover DR, Day R, Ganges S, Chmiel JS, Mitsuyasu R, Detels R. (2000). Evidence that anoreceptive intercourse with ejaculate exposure is associated with rapid CD4+ Cell Loss in a Cohort of HIV infected men who have sex with men. AIDS. (6):707-15.
Giorgi JV, Hultin LE, McKeating JA, Johnson TD, Owens B, Jacobson LP, Shih R, Lesiw J, Wiley DJ, Phair JP, Wolinsky SM, Detels R. (1999). Shorter survival in advanced human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection is more closely associated with T-lymphocyte activation than with plasma virus burden or virus chemokine coreceptor usage. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 179(4):859-70.
Wiley DJ, Frerichs R, Ford WJ, Simon P. (1998). Failure to Learn HIV Test Results. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 25(7):342-5.
Detels R, Mann D, Carrington M, Hennessey K, Wu Z, Hirji KF, Wiley D, Visscher BR, Giorgi JV. (1996). Resistance to HIV infection may be genetically mediated. AIDS. 10(1):102-4.
Detels R, Mann D, Carrington M, Hennessey K, Wu, Z, Wiley D, Visscher BR, Giorgi J. (1996). Persistently seronegative men from whom HIV-1 has been isolated are genetically and immunologically distinct. Immunology Letters. 51(1-2):29-33.
Worthington-Toledo L, Wiley DJ. (1989). Stable and ready for transfer: A pilot study of nursing judgment of objective criteria for patient transfer from post-anesthesia care units. J Post Anesthesia Care Nursing. 4(4):247-250.
Non-database Articles and Referred Journals
Wiley DJ, Douglas J, Beutner K, Cox T, Fife K, Moscicki B, Fukumoto L. (2002). External Genital Warts: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Screening. Clin Infect Dis. 35(Suppl 2):S210-24.
Purdy IB, Wiley DJ. (2003). Magnetic resonance imaging and the neonate. Neonatal Network. 22(1):9-18.
Wiley DJ, Monk BJ, Masongsong E, Morgan K. (2004). Cervical Cancer Screening. Current Oncology Reports. 2004, Nov;6(6):497-506.
Purdy IB, Wiley DJ. (2004). Perinatal corticosteroids: A review of research, part 1: antenatal administration. Neonatal Network. 23(2):15-30.
Wiley DJ, Masongsong E. (2006) Human Papillomavirus: The Burden of Infection. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. 61:6 suppl 1:S3-S14.
Monk BJ, Wiley DJ. (2006). Will Widespread Human Papillomavirus Prophylactic Vaccination Change Sexual Practices of Adolescent and Young Adult Women in America? Obstetrics & Gynecology 108(2):1-5.
Moscicki AB, Darragh TM, Berry-Lawhorn JM, Roberts JM, Khan MJ, Boardman LA, Chiao E, Einstein MH, Goldstone SE, Jay N, Likes WM, Stier EA, Welton ML, Wiley DJ, Palefsky JM. Screening for Anal Cancer in Women. J Lower Genital Tract Disorders. 2015 Jul; 19 (3 Suppl 1): S27-42. doi: 10.1097/LGT0000000000000117.
Wiley DJ (2002-2003). External Genital Warts. Clinical Evidence. 2001;(5):1099-1109. 2001;(6):1232-1241. 2002;(7):1426-1436., 2002 (8):1620-1632. 2003; (9):1741-1753.
Wiley DJ. (2002) External Genital Warts. Clinical Evidence Concise. 2002; (7):274-275. 2002; (8):316-317. 2003;
Wiley DJ, Douglas J, Beutner K, Cox T, Fife K, Moscicki B, Fukumoto L. (2002). External Genital Warts: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Screening. Clin Infect Dis. 35(Suppl 2):S210-24.
Wiley DJ, Beutner, KR. (1999-2001). External Genital Warts. Clinical Evidence. 1999;(1):361-371. 1999;(2): 617-621. 2000;(3):764-774. 2001;(4):990-1000.
Beutner, KR, Wiley, DJ, Douglas, JM, Troffater, KF Stone, K. (1999). Genital Warts and their Treatment. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 28(Suppl 1):S37-56.
Beutner K, Richwald G, Wiley DJ, et. al. (1998). External Genital Warts; Report from the Proceedings of the AMA Consensus Panel. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 27(4):796-806.
Beutner KR, Wiley DJ. (1997). Recurrent external genital warts: A literature review. Papillomavirus Report. 8(3):69-74.