Charlene Niemi, PhD, MSN, RN, PHN, joins the UCLA School of Nursing as an associate adjunct professor following her role as a lecturer at UCLA SON and her retirement from California State University Channel Islands. Niemi received her PhD from Azusa Pacific University and her MSN in Nursing Education from Mount Saint Mary’s University. Her expertise lays in community health nursing and psychiatric nursing. Niemi is the Director of Health Literacy at Care Harbor. Her research focuses on health literacy and social determinants of health, stigma in family members of those incarcerated, and forgiveness and childhood trauma.
- PhD in Nursing, Azusa Pacific University
- MSN in Nursing Education, Mount Saint Mary’s University
- BSN, Mount Saint Mary’s University
Honors & Awards
- DAISY Award for Extraordinary Faculty 2019
- Honoree 2018 Care Harbor- LA. Los Angeles County Supervisors- Second District. 2018
- Nominee Maximus Faculty Member Award at CSU Channel Islands 2018
- Early Career Investigator Award. Violence and Trauma Special Interest Group: Society of Behavioral Medicine. 2017
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Refereed Journals
Mohamad, M., Niemi, C., Moustafa, S., Takey, K. A., & Kurdahi Badr, L. (2020). The impact of therapeutic exercises on the quality of life and shoulder range of motion in women after a mastectomy, a RCT. Journal of Cancer Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-020-01894-z
Niemi, C., Payne, A., & Bates, R. (2018). Development and implementation of a health education station by community health nursing students. Public Health Nursing, 35(6), 581- 586 doi: 10.111/phn.12532
Nevins, C. M., Hannans, J., & Niemi, C. (2015). Adult medical-surgical & interprofessional nursing/social services: Alcohol withdrawal; Schizophrenia. California Simulation Alliance publications. Available at https://www.californiasimulationalliance.org/scenarios-and-tools/
Niemi, C., Ogaz, V., Covey, R., Frohock Hanes, P., & Hanohano, C. (2014). Faith-based concept analysis for nursing education. Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository. Available at https://sigma.nursingrepository.org/handle/10755/335396
Textbook Chapters
Niemi, C. (2022). Clients with Disabilities. In C. Rector & M.J. Stanley (Eds.), Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 10th edition. (pp. 689-709). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters-Kluwer.
Textbook Sections
Niemi, C. (2022) Marijuana use in the United States (p.725). In C. Rector & M.J. Stanley (Eds.), Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health 10th edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Niemi, C. (2022) Levels of prevention pyramid: The C/PHN works with high-risk populations for mental disorders and substance abuse (p. 716). In C. Rector & M.J. Stanley (Eds.), Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 10th edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Conference Oral Presentations and Posters
Niemi, C. (2020, October). I never thought I would see you and not be able to touch you. Podium presentation. 12th Annual International Prisoners Family Conference. Virtual Conference.
Niemi, C. (2018, November). Disasters and the role of public health nurses. Roundtable presentation at the American Public Health Association 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo. San Diego, CA.
Niemi, C., Payne, A., & Bates, R. (2018, November). Development and implementation of a health education station by community health nursing students. Roundtable presentation at the American Public Health Association 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo. San Diego, CA.
Niemi, C. (2017, October). In the depth of one’s soul. Oral presentation at the 23rd International Caritas Consortium- One World: Connecting through Caring Consciousness, Stanford, CA.
Niemi, C., Covey, R., Hanohano, C., Ogaz, V., Hanes, P. (2014) STTI 25th International Nursing Research Congress Hong Kong. Poster presentation: A faith-based concept analysis for nursing education.
Niemi, C. (2013) Fourteenth Neuman Systems Model International Biennial Symposium Vancouver BC Poster Presentation: What is the spiritual well-being of adults who have experienced childhood sexual abuse by clergy?
Niemi, C., Bobbitt, A., Burgh, A., Fasano, C., & Holst, R. (2021, October). Meaning, forgiveness, and resilience: Do they improve the quality of life in adults? Poster presentation at the 36th American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference.
Niemi, C. (2020, August). Public/Population Health Learning Hub: Health Literacy/Education Station by Community Health Nursing Students at Care Harbor. Presentation at the Centers of Disease and Prevention and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing meeting.
Niemi, C. (2019, February). Academic-Community Public Health Partnerships to Improve Population Health. Health Literacy/Education Station by Community Health Nursing Students. Webinar at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Niemi, C. (2017, March). Forgiveness and psychological well-being of adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse by Catholic priests. 5-minute blitz presented at the 38th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego CA
Niemi, C. (2017, March). Forgiveness and psychological well-being of adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse by Catholic priests. Poster session presented at the 38th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego CA.
Niemi. C. (2017, April). What does the community need and what can I do to help? Poster session presented at the 2017 Association of Public Health Nurses Annual Conference, San Diego, CA
Covey, R., Niemi, C., Hanohano, C., Ogaz, V., Recinos, C., Hanes, P. (2014) National League of Nursing Education Summit Phoenix Arizona. Poster presentation: Using concept analysis to integrate faith in nursing curriculum
Hanohano, C., Covey, R., Niemi, C., Ogaz, V., Recinos, C., Hanes P. (2014) Western Institute of Nursing Seattle Washington. Poster presentation: Faith-based concept analysis comparisons for nursing education
Niemi, C. (2013) Azusa Pacific University School of Nursing and Iota Sigma Chapter of the Honor Society of Nursing, Nursing Research Symposium. Poster presentation: Spiritual well-being of adult victims of childhood sexual abuse by priests.
Niemi, C. (2013) Western Institute of Nursing, Anaheim California. Poster presentation: Spiritual well-being of adult victims of childhood sexual abuse by priests.
Hanes, P., Niemi, C., Ogaz, V., Covey, R., Hanohano, C., Recinos, C., Daniel, D. (2013) Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing San Diego CA. Poster presentation: A Faith-Based Concept Analysis for Nursing Education
Niemi, C., Bobbitt, A., Burgh, A., Fasano, C., & Holst, R. (2021). Meaning in life and forgiveness:
Do they improve the quality of life in adults? Presentation at Gamma Tau at-Large Chapter Virtual Induction Event Sigma Theta Tau International
Niemi, C., Bobbitt, A., Burgh, A., Fasano, C., & Holst, R. (2021). Meaning in life and forgiveness: Do they improve the quality of life in adults? Poster presentation at the University of California Los Angeles 2021Nursing Research Day.
Niemi, C. & Sherman, J. (2021). Community health project for nursing students. Podium presentation at the 26th Sigma SoCal Odyssey Conference Sigma Theta Tau International.
Niemi, C. (2021). Only One’s Self. 26th Sigma SoCal Odyssey Conference Sigma Theta Tau International. Poster session at the 26th Sigma SoCal Odyssey Conference Sigma Theta Tau International.
Ho, J., Fortier, C., Barela, A., Millikan, N., & Niemi, C. (2020) The fire down under. Accepted for poster session at the25th Sigma SoCal Odyssey Conference Sigma Theta Tau International. However, conference cancelled due to pandemic.
Niemi, C., Xicotencatl, D., Urzua, M., Macdonald, A., & Ramirez, F. (2019, March). Meeting patients where they are through community-academic projects. Poster session presented at the 2019 Spring Conference California Statewide Summit Between Academia and Practice: Preparing the Future Public Health Nursing Workforce Using a Culture of Health Framework. Sacramento, CA.
Niemi, C. (2018). Forgiveness and Psychological Well-being of Adult Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests. CSU Channel Islands Global Health Symposium 2018 Presenter. Camarillo CA.
2019. American Association of Colleges of Nursing for the Population Health/Social Determinants of Health Case Studies proposals.
2018. Workplace Mental Health Guideline: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder. (2018). American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. A 357-page document. http://actionacademy.co/cwci/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ACOEM-PTSD-Guideline.pdf
2017-ongoing Reviewer for Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy