Other News

A resolution, introduced by Dr. Linda Sarna, along with three other Deans – Dr. Janie Health, University of Kentucky College of Nursing, Dr. Anna McDaniel, University of Florida College of Nursing and Dr. Jeanette Andrews, University of South Carolina College of Nursing – calling for all nursing schools to be smokefree and to encourage nursing educators to promote tobaccofree policies and their universities and colleges was endorsed by the nursing school deans at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing business meeting in March.
The UCLA School of Nursing has been awarded a $2.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health Resources and Administration (HRSA) to support minority and disadvantaged students in both the masters entry clinical nurse program and the advanced practice nursing program. The grant will be awarded over a four-year period. In the 2016-17 academic year, up to 50 students in the master’s programs will receive $13,000. Funding will cover about half of the tuition. Students will be encouraged to work in medically underserved communities. “Los Angeles is a culturally diverse area,” said interim dean Sarna. “We have nearly 90 clinical partners who are located in medically unserved communities. This grant will provide our students with unique opportunities to deliver quality and culturally competent care.” The School is one of only two nursing schools in California to receive this grant.