Nancy Pike – Why I Give

Nancy Pike, MN ‘93, PhD ‘07
The answer for me is simple….to pay it forward or give back. I received both of my graduate degrees [Master’s (1993) and PhD (2007)] from UCLA and personally benefited from multiple merit-based and teaching–assistant scholarships that partially or fully covered my tuition. I couldn’t be more grateful for the financial assistance when I needed it the most and the priceless faculty mentorship during my 6 years total as a student at UCLA.
I continue to pay it forward in many ways by utilizing the valuable education I received to care for children with congenital heart disease [CHD] and their families as a pediatric nurse practitioner, teach the next generation of UCLA students in both the undergraduate and advance practice nursing programs, research clinical questions to improve outcomes for children with CHD, and provide yearly monetary donations to the school.
Because of what I received, it was an easy decision for my husband and me to make a planned gift to the School of Nursing when preparing our living wills. I have thoroughly enjoyed my career as a nurse practitioner / nurse scientist and the enormous satisfaction I receive in helping others through my clinical practice and research efforts. I wanted to help fulfill the dreams of other nurses to pursue advance practice education through financial-aid / scholarship. By giving a planned gift to the School of Nursing, I will continue to pay it forward to the next generation of advance practice nurses and future nurse scientists / leaders.
Including the UCLA School of Nursing in estate plans, as Nancy Pike, Linda Gorman and others have, allows donors to build a meaningful and lasting legacy. At the same time, it offers donors the flexibility to choose the giving option that is best suited to their personal and financial circumstances. Gift Planning opportunities include making a bequest through a will or living trust, establishing charitable gift annuities or charitable trusts, and/or using a variety of assets such as real estate, life insurance, or retirement accounts. Some options result in estate tax savings while others provide both fixed income for life and significant income tax advantages.
For more information, please contact Joe Ward, Director of Gift Planning at (310) 794-8823 or (800) 737-UCLA (8252).