Neil Viswanathan, Julie Bernardo, and Chaleah Duran

As one of the top-rated nursing schools in the nation, UCLA Nursing provides a rich education to students whether they plan to enter patient care, research, educational, or leadership roles. However, whether a student thrives depends on more than what happens in the classroom or clinic. The school’s Student Affairs Office addresses the gamut of non-academic factors that influence student success. 

“The team in Student Affairs chose their profession to make a difference in the development and well-being of students,” says Dr. Elizabeth Yzquierdo, associate dean of student affairs. “We apply National Academic Advising Association evidence-based frameworks. For example, the strength-based approach focuses on identifying each student’s talents and vision for the future. We assist them with the next steps to help them excel academically and professionally. We work closely with our staff and faculty at the school to support our students.”

Recruitment and Admissions

Third-year PhD student Lisa Diaz (MSN ’10) first interacted with Student Affairs when a member of the admissions team came to Cerritos College, where she was a BSN student. “The whole reason I went to UCLA for my MSN was because of that visit,” says Diaz. 

Yzquierdo notes that many school visits and presentations target schools that are under-resourced or have many underrepresented students. The admissions team provides guidance to prospective students and develops long-term relationships with them as they assist students in navigating the application process. The team works closely with campus partners, local community colleges, and universities to diversify the nursing workforce. 

Third-year undergraduate nursing student Emily Diep attended a virtual tour online, a helpful option during the height of COVID-19. Once accepted, she attended a meeting for newly admitted students featuring Dean Lin Zhan and other school leadership. “They talked about what we would experience in the coming four years and gave us a chance to get our questions answered,” Diep says. 

Student Affairs recently revamped part of the orientation process for incoming students. “It used to be an allday, in-person session providing a lot of information in a very short amount of time, and included onboarding, HIPAA forms, etc.,” Yzquierdo says. “COVID prompted us to present the information online, and we worked closely with our educational development team to create a virtual onboarding process. Once we saw how well it worked, we kept and expanded that model, allowing students to complete it at their own pace.” 

After earning her MSN from the school, Diaz took a 12-year break to work as a diabetes educator and raise her children. She returned in 2022 to pursue her PhD. Diaz had questions about her application and her statistics class, all of which were answered by Student Affairs staff, including Dr. Mark Covin, director of outreach and admissions. 

Diaz also attended financial aid and scholarship workshops hosted by Leonie Thomas, director of financial aid. As a result, she applied for and was granted a Cota-Robles Graduate Fellowship, a four-year fellowship for entering PhD students. 

UCLA Nursing provides government- funded financial need-based scholarships as well as private scholarships. Last year, the school awarded $4.63 million in scholarships, of which $1.8 million was from the nursing school itself. Student affairs officers (SAOs) follow up with scholarship recipients to make sure they progress as required and report on their status as needed. The school’s website provides an extensive list of resources on its External Scholarships web page. 

Engagement and Development

Yzquierdo notes that many Student Affairs initiatives focus on building community and helping students increase camaraderie and a sense of belonging. Others focus on student well-being, such as stress reduction and having fun during the intensive experience of earning a nursing degree. Still others focus on practicalities, such as a presentation to DNP and PhD students about the journey to a doctoral degree. 

Just before school starts, Student Affairs hosts an orientation for all nursing students, giving them the opportunity to meet one another across the different degree programs and cohorts. Early in the fall quarter, Student Affairs coordinates a Student Organization Fair, facilitating an opportunity for students to connect with their peers. Weekly programs, ranging from networking with alumni to pet therapy to breakfast socials, give students ample opportunities to engage. 

Diaz takes advantage of many of these opportunities. She joined LANSA, the Latino(a) Nursing Student-Alumni Association, and recently presented to the group about diabetes. She attended lunchtime lectures and was particularly impressed by one given by Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, UCLA professor of medicine, on a phenomenon known as the Latino medical paradox. Student Affairs hosted a PhD student luncheon in response to student requests, and Diaz is working with the department to form a PhD student club. 

Diaz says one of her most impactful experiences was serving as a teaching assistant (TA). Student Affairs manages TA assignments and promotes TA workshops provided by the university. “I’ve been able to see my strengths and areas for growth through the eyes of my faculty member, and was honored to be invited back to TA with the same instructor this year,” Diaz says. 

As an undergraduate, Diep has taken advantage of leadership opportunities by joining a newly formed student group that is part of the California Nursing Student Association. The group organizes service events such as enlisting students to create no-sew blankets for unhoused individuals. Diep works closely with SAOs to publicize events, and they help her with supplies and logistics. She’s a member of the Alpha Tau Delta nursing fraternity, which participates in community service events, and the Asian Pacific Islanders Nursing Student Association, which holds health fairs in communities across Los Angeles. 

Throughout their time at the school, nursing students get questions answered, issues solved, and ideas supported by SAOs, who advise students and connect them with various resources. 

Graduation and Beyond 

In the spring, alumni, local agencies, and other community partners participate in 30-minute Q&A sessions or panels about nursing residency programs and nursing opportunities. Student Affairs also hosts résumé and cover letter workshops to help students prepare for what comes after graduation. 

SAOs work closely with PhD students to file paperwork and handle the logistics involved with submitting and defending their dissertations. The department features PhD students and their research on the school’s website, increasing student visibility to potential employers. Student Affairs also hosts a white coat ceremony for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse students and the Blue and Gold Ceremony recognizing BS and Master’s Entry Clinical Nursing students for earning their RN licenses. 

Student Affairs works closely with the school’s Office of Development to keep in touch with alumni, who participate in career panels and serve as mentors and preceptors for students. 

PhD student Lisa Diaz sums up her experience with the school. “Student Affairs has supported my journey as a PhD student since my first encounter with them at community college, where they gave me hope and planted the seed to attend my dream nursing school at UCLA.ˮ