If you or someone you know is in danger or needs immediate help, please call 911.

The Safe Zone is sponsored by the UCLA School of Nursing's Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

The Safe Zone  is a space where students, staff, and faculty are supported and valued when dealing with difficult academic or interpersonal conflicts without the fear of being biased, assumed, and judged. In the Safe Zone, students, staff, and faculty can find a listening ear.

The Safe Zone is not intended to replace (1) academic advisement for students provided by a student's faculty and/or clinical advisor, (2) counseling by the UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services, and (3) assessing and investigating reports of discrimination or harassment based on race, ancestry, national origin, disability, religion, age, and other categories protected by law and University policy brought against academic personnel and staff and assessing and investigating reports of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence brought against any member of the campus community by the UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (https://equity.ucla.edu/report-an-incident/). 

All UCLA employees, including student employees, have the duty to report allegations of discrimination and/or harassment based on all protected categories as well as sexual violence and sexual harassment.

The Safe Zone is designed to support all UCLA School of Nursing students, staff, and faculty. The UCLA School of Nursing is committed to providing a community for all to feel safe and foster an environment of belonging in accordance with the values of the School of Nursing

Student's Safe Zone Champions

Staff & Faculty Safe Zone Champion